Yesterday evening Mom was finally discharged from Florida Hospital after spending nearly 9 days. Her pain level has gone down and is manageable. She is much more aware and is having normal conversations. During her hospital stay the medication was so strong it was difficult for her to think clearly. Fortunately she can be home with my dad and relax.

We have a nurse and physical therapist coming out today to help with Mom’s medications and helping her walk around the house safely. After her fall that sent her to the hospital, she hasn’t had much ability to move on her own.

At this time, she is continuing her Chemo pills that she’s taking 2x a day. In addition, she has started Palliative Care which enables her to better control her pain and symptoms.  

Please continue sending love and support to my parents. Both of them need as much strength and comfort as possible.



  1. Thanks for updates Sara-you’re such a thoughtful daughter. Lee, I hope you’re feeling better soon, Tom and I hope being home will speed up your recovery-take care and remember you have a lot of people praying for you❤️

  2. Alway think of them and the family . Be strong and love and prayers to all you guys ?

  3. So wonderful that your home Lee, where you can have some peace and quite and relax. Sending my love and prayers for much needed comfort with your family. Everyone is asking about you and thinking of you

    Theresa 🙂

  4. So glad you’re home Lee! The best place to be with a very loving and supportive family. You are in my thoughts and prayers often.

    Sarah, Great job! I know it’s not easy, but all your efforts, love, and support goes a very long way. You will not regret all that you have done.

  5. Happy to hear that you are home! You can rest more where it’s more peaceful with your family. They love you & you are receiving the best of care. Our prayers are with you & Michael, & Sarah & Brad every day. Love, Ron & Jean


    Very Happy too hear that your home. Aline,And I are thinging of Lee,& Mike all the time wondering how things are going? Our thoughts & PRAYERS are with you all. DEAR LORD Please make LEE Well again. LOVE, LOUIE, ALINE

  7. Happy to hear that you are home auntie lee!! Sending lots of love and hugs from here!
    Sarah thanks for keeping us updated. Know that you and your family are in our thoughts daily.

  8. I pray for the emotional and physical strength of the family. Lee has always been a kind and loving person .
    Please tell her I said hello!??

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