20. June 2017 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo · Tags:

Last week I sat with Mom during Round 5 of her Chemo. The day went on routine with the exception of a new reaction she had mid-way through the treatments. Out of nowhere she began to tell me she couldn’t see anything.. as if she was losing her vision.

We did have a nurse and Doctor come over to assess. They gave her a round of Benadryl which quickly brought her vision back (and made her very sleepy).

Hours later driving her home through our typical Florida summer storms she told me she was quite scared with what was happening to her. Typical with my mom to keep her cool and not showing fear. As with every treatment something new happens every time. We never know what to expect.

She has one more round next week before she gets the big check up. This check up (which will be at the beginning of July) will reveal how well the 6 rounds of Chemo have worked… if the tumors are shrinking and what will be the next course of treatment. I’ve heard a lot of people tell me they think of my Mom and of all of us often in their prayers. We are so grateful for all the support that has come in! Please continue to pray for her.

1 Comment

  1. Sheila Torres

    Just wanted to let Lee know that we are thinking about her and have her in our prayers. God is in control!

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