Mom had started her new Chemo pill last Friday 8/17. It’s 3 pills at a time, twice a day.  This morning as she was getting ready for a dr. appointment she fell and we were concerned she may have broken her arm. Fortunately she does not have any broken bones but it was determined that her enzymes are very low in her liver (more-then-likely due to this new Chemo) so they are keeping her under observation today to get this under control and hopefully helping her feel better in the coming days. I will try to update again as soon as I hear anything else. 

16. July 2018 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo, Updates

 Mom went to the Oncologist for her CT Scan results. As she expected the tumor has increased in size by .2 mm. It’s a small increase but nevertheless not positive news.

Mom has been feeling very ill since she started this new Chemo in May. She was supposed to have 1 more treatment next week but has decided to stop. Dr. Zakari has requested a consultation with his team this Friday, July 20th to discuss options including a pill that is typically used to treat Melanoma and another pill used to treat Breast Cancer. This is based on the Foundation One testing Mom had back in April when her tissue was sent out for a genomic profile of her tumor. Based on their findings, she has a similar DNA structure as those with Melanoma/Breast Cancer, therefore we are hoping using these options to better target the tumors will give her positive results. 

I ask that you please send your regards, positive thoughts and any other encouragement to both my parents. They are going through unimaginable stress right now and need all the strength possible.


As I mentioned in my last post, mom is currently using a ‘spicy’ mix of chemo. The plan is to have 5 rounds of this nasty stuff before the next meeting with Dr. Zakari.

This is probably one of the worst treatments I’ve seen my mom go through. She started this mix just days before Madison’s wedding and was able to perform the ceremony beautifully. This mix has made her incredibly sick and tired. I honestly do not know how she manages to do this. After the first 2 rounds, they dropped it down 20% in hopes of it helping and it has done little to improve.  She has 1 more round this week before getting a CAT scan done.

July 16th is her next appointment with Dr. Zakari. The purpose is to discuss further treatment options, possible immunotherapy treatments, clinical trials, etc.  We all hope for some positive news as this last round has really brought her spirits down. She needs all the positive energy and strength at this time. 


I’ve honestly lost track of how many treatments mom has had until she texted me this morning! 🙂

Yes, she has now completed round 26 as of yesterday (March 7th). This one apparently has really knocked her down and she’s absolutely exhausted. On top of the Chemo, my parents are in the middle of selling their house, moving over the next few weeks AND we are getting ready for Madison’s wedding in May.  It’s been very busy here for our family both stressful and exciting at the same time!

Mom needs to complete 34 rounds of Chemo before we decide on the next venture in treatment. We did meet with Dr. Zakari this past Monday (March 5th) and it was determined that although the tumors are not shrinking right now, the cancer cells inside them appear to be fading. That was positive news. Dr. Zakari is pleased with the current progress and we are all trying to remain positive and strong.


Mom had her Cat Scan results yesterday. The spots on her liver are expanding but fortunately the tumor on the Pancreas is about the same. Since the spots on her liver haven’t moved until now, Dr. Zakari has decided to change up her Chemo starting now. Instead of every 2 weeks with a 48 hour pump, she will now have Chemo 3 weeks in a row with 1 week off. There will no longer be the take home pump (which she is happy about!). The Chemo is supposed to be less taxing on her body so we hope when she is on the treatment she will not feel as sick or exhausted. 

So this week she is off recovering. Next week begins the new treatment and plan. We are not sure how long she will be on this regime but we know she is incredibly strong and a fighter! xo


04. October 2017 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo

Mom had her 11th and 12th rounds of Chemo over the past 3 1/2 weeks.  The last two have been a challenge. She has been ill to the point that she was close to hospitalization. But as strong as she is, she is pulling through. Dr. Zakari wanted her to complete 12 rounds and she’s done it. We are so fortunate that she has been able to manage all of this. Tomorrow, October 5th will be her next Cat Scan. Monday, October 9th we will have the results and the next course of treatment. Please keep her and my dad in your thoughts. They need all the strength and courage possible.


30. August 2017 · 2 comments · Categories: Chemo

I skipped a few rounds since my last Chemo post but Mom just finished round 10 this week! Two more to go before her next Cat Scan which would be at the end of September or beginning of October. Today Dr. Zakari made it a point again to say how well Mom is responding and has decreased the dosage again by another 10% :).



As I mentioned in my last update, Mom’s Chemo was postponed on the 12th due to low Potassium and White Blood Cell Count. After spending another week recuperating and spending time with family, she had round 7 on Monday the 17th. Moving forward, Chemo will now be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays. Nutrition will be on Fridays instead of Monday.

Last week was difficult. I was out of town and each day I spoke to her after treatment she was struggling.  The Chemo was cut back 15% which is great however after each time your body takes a hit like this it takes longer to rebound. By the time the weekend arrived she was finally feeling better and even went out to dinner.. something we did all the time but is now a luxury these days.

Hopefully next week we will have a better idea of the direction her treatment will take.


Last week was Mom’s midway mark for Chemo having finished her 6th treatment. We are all so proud of how well she has handled the amount of medication she is taking in. I cannot even imagine what it is like to endure all of this physically and mentally in such as short timeframe.

This Tuesday, July 11th will be her first CAT scan since the initial diagnosis in March. This is a critical time to see how well the treatments are working and if the cancer cells are shrinking.  Please keep my Mom and Dad in your prayers. xo

20. June 2017 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo · Tags:

Last week I sat with Mom during Round 5 of her Chemo. The day went on routine with the exception of a new reaction she had mid-way through the treatments. Out of nowhere she began to tell me she couldn’t see anything.. as if she was losing her vision.

We did have a nurse and Doctor come over to assess. They gave her a round of Benadryl which quickly brought her vision back (and made her very sleepy).

Hours later driving her home through our typical Florida summer storms she told me she was quite scared with what was happening to her. Typical with my mom to keep her cool and not showing fear. As with every treatment something new happens every time. We never know what to expect.

She has one more round next week before she gets the big check up. This check up (which will be at the beginning of July) will reveal how well the 6 rounds of Chemo have worked… if the tumors are shrinking and what will be the next course of treatment. I’ve heard a lot of people tell me they think of my Mom and of all of us often in their prayers. We are so grateful for all the support that has come in! Please continue to pray for her.