11. May 2017 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo

Yesterday Mom had her 3rd round of Chemo. I am still fighting this crappy cold so unfortunately I couldn’t be with them for this round. She was happy to be at her new infusion center in Altamonte Springs which is right down the road from where they live. It’s a closer, smaller, newer facility compared to downtown.

Initially, they contemplated not doing the treatment due to really low White Blood Cell count. Here’s a little medical lesson for you… White Blood Cells are needed to fight infections. Chemotherapy tends to lower your cell count (along with 100 other things). If the count is too low typically it puts you at high risk for other illnesses making someone like me with the common cold a very big risk to her fragile health.  The Dr. decided to move forward with the treatment yesterday and she’s receiving 2 injections geared towards improving her levels.

So far she is at home resting and getting ready to spend the next few days feeling the effects of it all. She has to remain at home, away from any public areas until this improves.

1 Comment

  1. Praying daily. So glad she was feeling well enough to enjoy family and friends.

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