27. April 2017 · Comments Off on Round 2 Chemo · Categories: Chemo

Mom had her 2nd round of Chemo yesterday. She had to wait several hours at the infusion center to even start. I learned they have to mix the drugs at the facility and for whatever reason they had issues delaying her from starting until 12:30.

My dad and I sat with her and she was in good spirits. She did have another reaction to the first dose of Chemo just like last time and they were able to quickly get it under control despite giving her a dose of Benadryl at the very beginning.

For those that are not aware, Chemo takes roughly 5-7 hours to administer. People have to sit in a recliner in a little cubby in a room with 5 other patients all going through their own battle. It’s loud, the room is cold and delays happen frequently. In my mom’s case once she’s done sitting there all day she has to be fitted with a pump that sends even more Chemo into her body non-stop for 2 days. She has to go home with this device and return later to have it removed. It is that Chemo (called 5FU) that is giving her some of the worst symptoms.

As I sat there the second time watching everyone go through this pain I am so grateful to have my health.  Do not take life granted and certainly do not dwell on the little things that are usually not worth your time or aggravation.


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