As I mentioned in my last update, Mom’s Chemo was postponed on the 12th due to low Potassium and White Blood Cell Count. After spending another week recuperating and spending time with family, she had round 7 on Monday the 17th. Moving forward, Chemo will now be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays. Nutrition will be on Fridays instead of Monday.

Last week was difficult. I was out of town and each day I spoke to her after treatment she was struggling.  The Chemo was cut back 15% which is great however after each time your body takes a hit like this it takes longer to rebound. By the time the weekend arrived she was finally feeling better and even went out to dinner.. something we did all the time but is now a luxury these days.

Hopefully next week we will have a better idea of the direction her treatment will take.


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