Mom had started her new Chemo pill last Friday 8/17. It’s 3 pills at a time, twice a day.  This morning as she was getting ready for a dr. appointment she fell and we were concerned she may have broken her arm. Fortunately she does not have any broken bones but it was determined that her enzymes are very low in her liver (more-then-likely due to this new Chemo) so they are keeping her under observation today to get this under control and hopefully helping her feel better in the coming days. I will try to update again as soon as I hear anything else. 


  1. Sarah, thank you for the update. Your mom is in our prayers. I hope she is getting some assistance in managing her pain. We love you all. May God bless you

  2. Sarah, thank you for everything you are doing for your mom. I feel helpless that I can’t help my sister. May God bless you ??

  3. Sarah thank you for the update . Going to see her tomorrow praying for her and the family

  4. Thank you so much Sarah for the update. I know that you are terribly busy with taking care of your Mom. So glad to hear that her arm is not broken. I hope that she is getting some pain relief and able to go home real soon. Take Care, thinking of you all 🙂

  5. Hi Sarah, Glad to hear that she didn’t break her arm. Praying that she is getting the pain medicine that she really needs for her to rest while she’s in the hospital. Give her our love & our love & prayers are with you all. Thank you Sarah! 🙂

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