07. June 2017 · 1 comment · Categories: Chemo · Tags: ,

Sorry for the delay! I’m a week behind… mom had her 4th Chemo last Wednesday (on her Wedding Anniversary of all days). Initially they worried her levels were still too low in her liver to take on the infusion. The Oncologist decided to proceed with all but 1 of the drugs she normally receives to try and give her liver a rest.

The day went on as expected with little issue. The past week though has been a roller coaster of feeling very exhausted, nausea, dizzy, etc. Typically within a week of Chemo she begins to feel normal. This time she still struggles with the exhaustion. The Doctor decided to put her on a drip for 2 hours starting this Monday (and every Monday) that will provide her with nutrients and help her blood count and levels increase.