Mom had her last Cat Scan on October 5th. Dad, Mom and I met with Dr. Zakari on the 9th and learned the results show ‘stable’. This means the tumor in the Pancreas has not grown or shrunk at that time. The same results came in for the tumors on the liver.

Dr. Zakari sounded optimistic and suggested that Mom start that week with reduced Chemo. Essentially that means removing 1 of the drugs called Oxaliplatin. This drug had some of the worst side effects for Mom. In addition, other drugs such as ‘5 FU’ were going to be reduced starting this week.

This next round will be 6 treatments instead of 12. The idea is to apply a strong dosage of Chemotherapy without completely draining her and giving her an opportunity to get out a bit and not just deal with treatment.

As much as we wanted to hear the tumors have shrunk further, we are all remaining positive that Mom will continue to fight this disease.