I’ve honestly lost track of how many treatments mom has had until she texted me this morning! 🙂

Yes, she has now completed round 26 as of yesterday (March 7th). This one apparently has really knocked her down and she’s absolutely exhausted. On top of the Chemo, my parents are in the middle of selling their house, moving over the next few weeks AND we are getting ready for Madison’s wedding in May.  It’s been very busy here for our family both stressful and exciting at the same time!

Mom needs to complete 34 rounds of Chemo before we decide on the next venture in treatment. We did meet with Dr. Zakari this past Monday (March 5th) and it was determined that although the tumors are not shrinking right now, the cancer cells inside them appear to be fading. That was positive news. Dr. Zakari is pleased with the current progress and we are all trying to remain positive and strong.