18. April 2018 · 1 comment · Categories: Updates · Tags:

This past Monday we had an appointment with Dr. Zakari. We didn’t receive the best news. The tumors have grown in both the Liver and slightly larger in the Pancreas. We agreed that continuing the current chemo treatment was not helping. Right now we are waiting on the genome test results to determine what options to take for Clinical Trials. 

We have been reviewing the different locations that offer trials and are looking at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and possibly the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. Until we get these results we don’t have a specific direction. As soon as we get any information I will pass it along. 

This appointment was problem one of the most difficult for our family to hear since the initial diagnosis.  My mom is strong and she’s not ready to give up. Please keep my parents in your thoughts. We need all the strength and encouragement right now.