24. May 2018 · 2 comments · Categories: Updates · Tags: , , ,

Once again, i’ve been slacking on the updates and I apologize! The past 2 months have been very busy for our family.

My parents sold their house in April after 25 years and bought a lovely one-story townhouse in the same neighborhood. We spent weeks downsizing 40+years of accumulated ‘stuff’ including furniture, art. My parents also gutted the new place so we had contractors in-and-out during as we were moving furniture in. The end result though is a beautiful place for my parents to call home.

My mom visited Tampa May 2nd in hopes of getting a clinical trial. Unfortunately, there were none available (they were all active and you have to start at the same time they start). It was disappointing news for us to hear as she had been without chemo for several weeks.

Chemo- My mom opted to use a ‘spicy’ mix of chemo that Dr. Zakari suggested for the time being. My mom being as strong as she is, took her first round 4 days before Madison’s wedding. The chemo was rough and my mom was brutally sick for days. She is supposed to have another round next week (May 29th). 

My mom really outdid herself and was present and performed Madison and Jonathan’s wedding on May 19th. It was beautiful and made me proud to see her do what she planned on doing all along despite how she felt.

Here’s some photos below of the big day! I will do my best post more very soon. Again, please do keep my parents in your thoughts.