Yesterday’s procedure went well.  We are not sure if it was truly a success just yet. It can take a few days to notice a difference.  

This morning I visited mom in the hospital. According to her, the pain level is now a ‘3’ out of 10 which is probably the lowest number she’s used in weeks. She is still on heavy pain medications and the goal is to lower the dosage in hopes that the Celiac treatment worked yesterday. With the pain reducing, she should hopefully be able to leave the hospital in the coming days and be able to function. The fall she had earlier this week was scary but also allowed her to seek the treatment she needs right now at Florida Hospital. 

In addition to going home soon, we are trying to determine if she can resume taking the Chemo pills she started a week ago. Ultimately we want to see her feel better. She told me today that she’s not ready to give up and neither are we. We really appreciate everyone that has expressed kind words here, through social media and visiting her at the hospital. It does mean so much to all of us.


  1. She’s a strong woman and I love her for it .

  2. Praying God to bless my sister and give her the comfort she needs. I admire my sister for her courage. Hang in there Lee. I love you Lee.

  3. Stay strong Lee ? love you ?

  4. Sending our love……
    Tom and Linda

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