Mom continues to remain at Florida Hospital Altamonte. Her pain is better managed at the moment and she has started back on chemo in recent days. She is ready to be at home and out of the hospital. Currently they are monitoring her pain medication and help her balance as she does have a hard time walking. We need her to be strong enough to go home and she’s close. There is one more test today to check some swelling that has occurred in her legs. Once we get the all clear, we hope she will be home either tomorrow or Wednesday.  Thank you again for all the continued support and kind words we have been receiving from all over. It really does mean a lot to us.




  1. Thank you Sarah for the update on your mom. I am praying she will get stronger soon and come home. Once she is home, I would like to stay with her to assist her and help in whatever is needed. Of course it’s up to my sister. Please convey this to your mom.
    I love you all.

  2. Thank you Sarah for the up date . Praying she we’ll gain strength so she can go home ??

  3. Thank you Sarah for the update . Praying for her to gain her strength so she can go home ??

  4. Hoping that she is able to go home real soon! Thank you Sara for taking the time to let us know how things are going. Love to all 🙂

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