Again so sorry for not updating here! I sent so many text messages after we received the call on the CAT Scan update!

Mom received a phone call 2 weeks ago after her CAT Scan update. It was brief and nothing really detailed until she meets with Dr. Zakari her Oncologist on Monday, July 31st but the news was encouraging.

The mass in her Pancreas has shrunk in 1/2 since her diagnosis in March which is fantastic news. The horrible Chemo she’s enduring is indeed working. The spots on her Liver however have remained unchanged. That does not mean it’s good or bad it just means it’s there. Until she meets with the Dr. we don’t know much more then that.

They did explain that moving forward her next rounds of Chemo are going to be reduced by 15% so that is again a positive direction. The more we hear in the next week we will update here (and much faster 🙂 )

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