22. August 2018 · 1 comment · Categories: Updates

Mom had a procedure done this morning called celiac plexus neurolysis.  The endoscopic process is used to to reduce the pain she is experiencing in her stomach. Mom has been on a lot of pain medications before and while in the hospital. The hope is to provide her some relief and comfort while reducing the amount of medication she has to take. She will also be able to continue taking her Chemo Pill that has been suspended since arriving at the hospital.

Currently, she is resting and as expected, very sleep. She is aware of everyone reaching out and wanting to see her at the hospital. I would recommend contacting either myself or my dad before visiting. I am not sure what day she will be discharged but I will do my best to keep everyone updated as much as possible.


1 Comment

  1. Thank you again Sarah for the update. Hopefully, this procedure will help block some of her pain. So, so sorry to hear that Lee is going through this awful pain. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. The love of family, friends and prayer will help everyone get through this most difficult time.

    Take Care,



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