It’s been awhile since we updated the page and I apologize again. There has been several doctor appointments and discussions on my mom’s current treatment plan.

I know many people have been reaching out to my parents and myself for updates. My mom is experiencing a lot of pain right now. The most pain she’s ever endured. She has not had any treatments for several weeks. The pain has kept her sleeping and lying down almost non-stop. Her appetite is also not well. She has been wanting a lot of privacy and I appreciate everyone respecting that.  She is currently taking a very strong pain pill with morphine to help ease her discomfort. Unfortunately it’s not doing a whole at the moment.

Dr. Zakari suggested a chemo pill combined with one of the previous therapies she had in the past. Last week, she visited a new doctor at ORMC to try to get a second opinion including any surgical options. Dr. Kayaleh was very compassionate and agreed with Dr. Zakari’s suggestions. Mom decided to move forward with this treatment. We hope she will be starting this week. Once we begin I will try to update as much as possible.

Please know my parents need a lot of strength right now. My mom is aware that people are concerned and love her and if you need to share anything here, please do as she does read this website.



  1. Praying for your pain to subside ???

  2. Praying for you my beautiful friend ??????????

  3. Eileen (Cahill) Harrington

    Mike and Lee our thoughts and prayers are with you. Since living in Florida as cousins we have not been close. But our hearts are with all our cousins. We grew up with you. Our parents. Closer than most. 2 brothers married 2 sisters. Your daughter has brought us all back together. Thankyou. Blessings and love to you all ❤️????

  4. Sending lots of love and prayers. I light a candle every day and send prayers to those in need. Today I will be lighting that candle for Lee. XO ?

  5. Many prayers and much love sent for you and your family ?

  6. Thinking of you all at this most difficult time my thoughts and prayers are that you get some pain relief Lee so that you can get some rest God Bless you and may he give you strength ?

  7. Lee don’t worry that you cannot cook meals right now. Mike can cook. Brad can also cook. Of course no where near as good as your cooking, you are the Best! You always prepared such delicious meals every time we visited you. Try to eat a little of the food that they cook. (Lol). Thank you for caring for our mom & dad. You & Mike took such loving care when they visited Fla. Our love to you both. May our dear Lord supply you richly during this difficult time.
    Love, Jean & Ron

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