Hospice arrived on 9/8 to get mom set up with everything she needs to be comfortable. The process was pretty amazing. There is a team of people; Doctors, Nurse, Chaplain, etc coming by to make sure she has everything she needs. After the commotion settled, she was finally able to rest which is the main purpose of the moment. She is managing her pain much better and is able to sleep comfortably which was a big issue before.

Her sister Linda and brother-in-law Augie came up on Sunday and has been a great help to all of us. We’ve had a few people visit from the bank, as well as family members. I know many more people have reached out to me wanting to visit. As we go day-by-day and get onto a more structured schedule it’s been easier on my mom having visitors. 

We can’t thank everyone enough for the outpouring of support and care and concern. 



  1. Thank you Sarah for the update. I cannot say how wonderful the Hospice team is. They help the whole family get through this most difficult time . Lee may you rest comfortably.

    All my love,


  2. Thank you Sarah for the up date . She looks very comfortable. I’m so happy they have her pain under control we continue to pray for her

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