Mom is currently experiencing more pain again. A few days ago she seemed to have it under control and was talking about getting out of the house a bit. We’ve been discussing all sorts of places to visit and food she wants to eat (Lobster Tails, Nachos to name a few). This week however, the pain has increased. She has had to include morphine as part of her pain management. This has left her exhausted and unable to really visit with people. 

We’ve had many people come by to say hello. This week however we ask that we postpone any visitation until we can get her pain back down and manageable.

Please continue sending your positive thoughts and kind words. 


  1. Sending lots of loving thoughts to Lee and Family. Thank God for Hospice, they do wonderful work!! I pray she continues to have good pain management and remain comfortable.
    Claudette XO

  2. Sending my love and prayers of strength for Lee and the family . Love you guys I ask the Lord to give her strength and to ease her pain . ??

  3. Thank you again for the update Sarah. I know how hard this is. 🙁

    Sending all my love,


  4. May God comfort & strengthen Lee & the whole family. He is the God & Father of “compassions” & of all comfort, who comforts is in all our affliction.
    Thank you Sarah for the update. Love you

  5. Thank you Sarah again for the update.
    I know it’s hard to go through this. I am praying God to bring your mom the comfort and peace she
    needs. Sending love to my sister. I love you all.

  6. ?❤️?❤️

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